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Minden forditás - JosepMaria20

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Erdmények 21-32 a teljesböl korülbelül 32
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Nyelvröl forditàs
Angol Shape Up is the fast pace hidden object game!...
Shape Up is the fast pace hidden object game! It's the fastest, most colorful and most simple game you'll ever play!

Do you want something to play in between minutes? It just takes 30 seconds to play!

The screen is filled with shapes and you need to find the target as fast as possible! How fast are you? Can you beat the best scores on Earth? Can you beat all of your friends?

There are 108 levels, from an apple to a trombone! Complete challenges to earn keys to unlock levels!
App description for Google Play and Amazon. No specific requirements.

Befejezett forditàsok
Német Shape Up ist das tempogeladene Wimmelbildspiel!
Francia Shape Up est un jeu d'objets cachés au rythme endiablé!
Svéd Shape Up är det gömda snabbgÃ¥ende föremÃ¥lsspelet
Holland Shape Up is een razendsnel zoekspel!
Portugál Shape Up é um jogo de objetos escondidos a ritmo acelerado! …
Brazíliai portugál Shape Up é um jogo de objetos escondidos a ritmo acelerado! …
Leegyszerüsített kínai Shape Up 是一个节奏明快的寻宝游戏!
11Nyelvröl forditàs11
Angol Translations
Ä° especially like these three series: Star Trek, Code Lyoko and Winx Club, and Ä° have wikis of these series in several languages.

İf you want me to do a translation or correction in Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese, Galician or İtalian, leave me a message with your request and İ’ll do it, only you have to write a message in my Message Wall.
“Wikis” are websites where anyone can edit, about different topics. See more here:

Kért forditàsok
Mongol Mongol
21Nyelvröl forditàs21
Angol Auto-refresh
“Refresh this page automatically”

“Purge the server cache and update the contents of this page.”

Nyelvröl forditàs
Angol My name is Ros. I would like to learn Italian...
My name is Ros. I would like to learn Italian language.

Befejezett forditàsok
Olasz Mi chiamo Ros. Mi piacerebbe imparare la lingua italiana.
Nyelvröl forditàs
Olasz Cado sempre in piedi
Cado sempre in piedi

Befejezett forditàsok
Latin nyelv Supra pedes meos semper cado
11Nyelvröl forditàs11
Angol Josep Maria Roca Peña - Translations
“Hola” (Hello), İ’m Josep Maria Roca Peña and İ’m 20 years old.

İ’m from Barcelona, Catalonia, so İ’m Catalan and İ hope for an independent Catalonia. İ also speak Spanish and Portuguese too, because İ have been in Portugal for a while. İ especially like these three series: Star Trek, Code Lyoko and Winx Club, and İ have wikis of these series in several languages.

İf you want me to do a translation or correction in Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese, Galician, İtalian or Occitan, leave me a message with your request and İ’ll do it, only you have to write a message in my Message Wall.

My languages:

Ä° speak the following languages:

“Wikis” are websites where anyone can edit, about different topics. See more here:

Befejezett forditàsok
Thaiföldi โจเซพ มาเรีย โรคา เพนญ่า
Nyelvröl forditàs
Angol Text technique
"Axxon Intellect" is designed to operate with any equipment that supports SNMP and OPC protocol.

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)
OPC (Open Platform Communications)

Français (je pense): Les dispositifs en mesure de fonctionner à travers les protocoles SNMP et OPC peuvent être pris en charge par "Axxon Intellect".

Befejezett forditàsok
Francia Texte technique
17Nyelvröl forditàs17
Portugál O amor
O amor

O amor é isto
Também é aquilo...
O amor é muito e às vezes pouco
O amor não chega!
Às vezes enfarta
O amor perfuma
E às vezes maltrata!
O amor sufoca
Mas às vezes liberta
O amor é para ti
Também o é para mim
Por isso chega para nós...
O amor embala e desperta
Se o amor é morte,
Também é vida o amor!
Ai o amor…
O amor és tu!
Por favor, solicito a tradução para uma versão de Espanha e não da América Latina. Justifico este pedido por haver grandes diferenças, como certamente saberão. Muito grato!

Befejezett forditàsok
Spanyol El amor
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